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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Distinguished Club Program

I am posting an email Kara Johnson sent with the DCP scoring. Lets do what we can this year to move up the rankings.

Hello everyone,

I thought I'd send you a quick email letting you know the exact point system for the DCP awards. (For those of you that were not there this evening, I described the DCP - off the top of my head - so I wanted to send a clarification.) Our club earned the DCP award for 2008-2009.

5-6 points - Distinguished

7-8 points - Select Distinguished

9-10 points - Presidents Distinguished

Membership Criteria for DCP: (Base + 5) or >= 20

Points that can be earned: (I put a * next to the points we earned - I did get mixed up a bit tonight)

1. Two CCs (Acronyms are below)

2. Two more CCs

3. One ACB, ACS, or ACG

4. One more ACB, ACS, or ACG

5. One CL, ALB, ALS or DTM *

6. One more CL, ALB, ALS or DTM

7. Four new members *

8. Four more new members *

9. Minimum of four officers trained during each of two training periods *

10. One membership dues renewal report and one club officer list submitted on time. *

CC - Competent Communicator

ACB - Advanced Communicator Bronze

ACS - Advanced Communicator Silver

ACG - Advanced Communicator Gold

CL - Competent Leader

ALB - Advanced Leader Bronze

ALS - Advanced Leader Silver

DTM - Distinguished Toastmaster

Note - we don't have to stop at four CCs or at any of the others. In fact, for CCs, the area earns points based on the number of CCs earned per area. The same is true of the district.

Anyway, this is just a bit of knowledge for you. Let me know of anything else you'd like to cover. One thing we will want to do is evaluation training. Now that several of you have done several speeches, we should get you ready to do some evaluations. Doing evaluations help advance your listening and critical thinking skills, plus more!

Have a great rest of your week!


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