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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Speakeasy News

Online Newsletter of Toastmasters Club 1789
Closer, ever closer creeps the day of reckoning -- the day of the International Speech Contest in Speakeasy.  Are you thinking about it?  Are you preparing a dynamite speech?  You can use one you've already given if you rework it so that it's a new piece.  Speeches are supposed to be original, but that doesn't eliminate a topic, only the form of the first one.
No speech?  How about the evaluation contest?  We need to send one speaker and one evaluator to the area contest on March 24, having had our club contest on March 9.
Remember, only the speech contest requires 6 completed manual speeches.  Anyone may compete in the evaluation contest.
We'll also need a Toastmaster, a chief judge, a target speaker for the evaluation contest, 1 or 2 timers, 2 ballot counters, and a handful of judges.  That's a lot, you say?  We've handled much worse regarding bodies to fill the various positions, and we can do it again.  For example, speech contestants can be evaluation judges, and vice versa.  Trust me, it'll work.
I'd mention officer training, but Gene has kept officers informed.  We need 4 officers trained before sometime in February, I think.
Jessica has put together the next 3 weeks schedule, which I am attaching herewith.  If you see any need to change anything, be sure to let me know by 1:00 Wednesday, and Jessica before then, if possible.  It's always good to have a clean agenda (bad choice of words?).
Heard a good joke lately?  We need more than one per meeting, I'm sure you'll agree.  I get mine from the Internet, courtesy of several friends who send me mostly stuff I can't use, but once in a while there comes a good one.  This week?  Well, we'll see.  See you Wednesday, that is.
Gordon Andersen
Editor, Speakeasy News

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