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Monday, August 8, 2011


Online Newsletter of Toastmasters Club 1789
I'm hoping that everyone has made good use of the time off during our every-other-week hiatuses. I was able to skip shaving on Wednesday, and that was a plus since I hadn't anywhere to go that day at all. Dare I risk it again next week? Perhaps; perhaps not. Play it by ear.,
This week we again have only one speaker scheduled, so anyone who has a speech ready, let Leah and me know and we'll put you on the program. I'm guessing that things will pick up after the State Fair closes, and we resume regular weekly meetings on the 7th.
ALERT: The Area 93 Humorous Speech Contest is set for September 17 at the Ridgedale Public Library. That means we will have to have our club contest fairly soon, no later than September 14 and getting the winner's name to our area governor immediately. Tight schedule, I know, but we have no choice. Please consider competing, as it is one of the special benefits of Toastmasters, where we get together with other clubs and their members.
Never mind if you don't have a barn-burner: Just performing in a different speaking venue is both a thrill and a challenge. So what if you don't win? It's the doing that counts. Think about it.
There's an auxiliary contest too, but I can't find my note on it. It will be one you can't prepare for, like Table Topics or Tall Tales, or maybe Evaluation, so you don't need to know right now anyway.
Did you know that there's a Farmer's Market barely a stone's throw from where we meet? It's at the St.Louis Park Rec Center Plaza and it runs from 3 to 7 p.m. every Wednesday. Might come in handy.
Any changes to the schedule should come to Leah and me by 1:00 Wednesday. I hope to see a lot of our members, and a guest or two as well. Until then,
Gordon Andersen
Editor, Speakeasy News

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