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Monday, January 2, 2012

Fw: Toastmasters January 4

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 11:23 PM
Subject: Toastmasters January 4

Online Newsletter of Toastmasters Club 1789
As we return to our regular schedule and, we hope, to our regular quarters, I extend my wish for a refreshed and eager Toastmasters club to resume providing its benefits to all who attend, and for an influx of new members to replace those who in all likelihood will need to leave for other times and places.  It just happens.
So, for those on our guest list, please come give us a chance to prove our worth to you.  Trust me, it's not only painless, it's fun too.  As a group, we don't take ourselves too seriously, just enough to accomplish the Toastmasters mission, which is to aid all and sundry in improving speaking and listening skills.  Those of us who have been members for any length of time will tell you that's it's absolutely true.
There are activities in and outside the club that will keep us busy for the next several months.  The first is the International Speech Contest, and dates are beginning to be set.  Announcements will be made as soon as I have details.
A reminder:  Be sure to bring both of your manuals to meetings and get credit in both the Communication and the Leadership tracks.
Leah's schedule is attached, as promised, and if you have a change, please let me know by 1:00 Wednesday, if you possibly can.  If you can't, we'll figure something out.
Again, Happy New Year to one and all, and may 2012 treat you like royalty (unless there are demonstrations outside your door).
Gordon Andersen
Editor, Speakeasy News

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