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Friday, February 24, 2012

Online Newsletter of Toastmasters Club 1789
This is it, friends.  This is the big one, a contest that starts here and ends with a World Champion of Public Speaking.  It can happen to any member.  If you intend to enter the competition, please let me know by 1:00 Wednesday, so that I can prepare the contest program.  I swore up and down that we would send a contestant to the area contest on March 5.  Please don't make me be the one, although I will if I have to.
The Table Topics Contest is different.  Any member may enter, regardless of length of membership or of manual progress.  You can decide at the last minute to enter this contest, but it would be good to have you on the program, if possible.  Let me know.
The Area 93 contests are on Monday, March 5, at the Ridgedale Public Library.  Registration starts at 6:30 and the contests start at 7:00.  We need Speakeasy judges, as well as rooters in the audience.  I hope to see as many of you there as possible.
I'm attaching the schedule, even though the contests can be expected to take up most of the meeting.  At least you can see what's on the horizon for the next couple of weeks after this one.
Participating in Toastmasters events outside the club is an important part of the overall experience.  We are, after all, working toward not just being able to speak during our meetings, but being able to conduct ourselves with distinction in other situations, whether at work or in other volunteer organizations, or maybe even to speak up before the city council.  End of polemic.
Gordon Andersen
Editor, Speakeasy News

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