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Monday, October 31, 2011


Online Newsletter of Toastmasters Club 1789
Come one, come all. Speakeasy's open house is this Wednesday, and we're marking the occasion with a short regular meeting, goodies, and a chance for visitors to learn what Toastmasters is all about.
If you know of someone who should be a Toastmasters visitor, now is the time to put the arm on him or her and urge attendance at this special event. If you are a recent inquirer and haven't been to a meeting yet, now's the time. I guarantee, it won't hurt a bit.
Three cheers for Cori, Don, and Dorothy for making all the arrangements, including baking ***** (come and taste), and spreading the word via posters and personal contact. We are fortunate to have such enthusiastic members, and I hope we get some more from this special evening. We do so much good for so many people that it's a shame more don't know about us. But we're trying. Yes we are.
So that our visitors get the best impression of our procedures, I hope we all remember to applaud everything. Also, everyone should help in welcoming our visitors, introducing ourselves by name and offering to sit with them and answering any questions they might have. If we all work together on this, we may just get a new member or two or three.
Advance notice: By tradition, we take 3 meetings off during the holidays -- the night before Thanksgiving, and the two Wednesdays during the year-end holidays, which this year are the 21st and 28th of December. We will resume our full schedule on January 4.
For those working their way through the beginning manuals, please remember to bring them with you to meetings so that you can get full credit for speaking, and for the activities in the Leadership manual. There are evaluation forms for every activity in the manual, so even if you're not scheduled, we may need to have you fill in on a duty and you might as well get credit for it.
The schedule for our open house is attached. If you have a duty but run into difficulties, please let me know by 1:00 Wednesday afternoon so that the agenda can be as correct as possible. See you all at the meeting.
Gordon Andersen
Editor, Speakeasy News

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