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Sunday, November 29, 2009


By G. K. Andersen

It seems longer than two weeks, but that's all it was. Those old bugaboos -- shaking knees, churning stomach, chattering teeth -- are on the verge of returning, so I'd better get a good dose of TM soon.

I guess it's never too soon to consider attending a ball game in July, so I'm passing along the attached advance information that may be of interest to you. If you think you might be interested, talk to Gene; he'll be collecting names. It'll be a chance to get a look at the new Twins ballpark.

We had 5 guests at our Open House, and plenty of pumpkin pie for everyone. Unfortunately, I was busy closing things up and didn't get a chance to get our guests' e-mail addresses, so if any of them were your invitees, get their addresses to me and I'll add them to my list. (Also, I was in a hurry to get my car over to the service station before 8:00 to deliver the keys. I made it, with 5 minutes to spare.)

Now for a look at this week's cast of characters:

Toastmaster -- Kara Johnson
Master Evaluator -- Eric Fager
Table Topics Master -- Tony Carlson
Speaker -- Gordon Andersen
Speaker -- Larry Green
Evaluator -- Gene Welch
Evaluator -- Dorothy Woodard
Timer -- Sharon Gifford
Grammarian -- Melony Fender
Ah Counter -- John Weidner

Ten positions, ten Toastmasters. Looks like a perfect evening that could be better with a guest or two, or three.

Monday, November 16, 2009


By G. K. Andersen

We're hoping for a houseful this week, to join us for our Open House meeting. If we all contacted everyone likely to attend, there should be many. So far, we've not had any member indicating inability to attend, so that's encouraging.

Since we're expecting folks who perhaps may not be familiar with the Toastmasters program, it would be helpful if speeches and Table Topics could be oriented toward TM. Easy to do with TT, but a bit harder for speeches, which are, of course, the speakers' choices. Just a suggestion. There will also be time for comments from all members at the end of the meeting as usual.

Note: Next week we will be off, doing what we need to do before Thanksgiving dinner, wherever and whatever that may be. I always try to be judicious concerning my culinary intake, but I always fail. Turkey and the fixings always have a hypnotic effect on me. Luckily, I have plenty of time to recover.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Word of the Week for November 11th.

ONOMATOPOEIA, on'-o-mat'-o-pe'-ia, use of words that sound like their meaning: i.e: Hiss... Buzz... Thump...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Word of the Week for November 4th.

Neophyte, ne'-o-fite, Beginner, Tyro, as a novice Toastmaster speaker.

Second word of the week. TYRO, a beginner in learning

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall open house progress

Plans are coming together for our Fall open house. The flyer is being finalized today and should show up on public notice boards Friday. I will get everyone a copy in PDF format to give to potential guests.

Still to do: notify the other clubs in Area 93, notify the media and think about room set up for a potential crowd. ;)

Word of the week for October 28th

Intrinsic, in-trin'-sic, Inherent, as personal growth is intrinsic in Toastmasters.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Anniversary

This email letter was received from Toastmasters International on October 22nd.

Fellow Toastmasters,

Happy Anniversary!

October 22 is an auspicious date for Toastmasters around the world. It marks the day that a small group of people, led by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley, held the first official Toastmasters meeting in the basement of a YMCA in Santa Ana, California, USA.

While the original intent of the group was to teach after-dinner speeches to young men, as we all know, Toastmasters has evolved to become a worldwide leader in communication and leadership development. This evolution was no accident; Dr. Smedley firmly believed that the improvement of a person's ability to communicate his or her ideas was a means of improving life in all its phases, personal as well as professional. It's a philosophy that resonates as clearly today as it did back in 1924.

Since its founding, Toastmasters International has empowered more than 4 million people to achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. Our organization's long-term success and growth is a tribute to Dr. Smedley's vision. He understood that communication isn't optional and leadership isn't always natural, but both can be learned through doing.

As we celebrate our 85th anniversary, the organization stands at a historic high point. Our membership is at an all-time high of 252,000 and growing, our programs are more expansive and our leaders have developed innovative strategies to keep up with advances and shifting cultural dynamics of the global age.

The next 85 years hold even greater promise as we continue to adapt and evolve in an ever-changing world. Let us work together to build our organization by building our members - with confidence, leadership and service.

Thank you for all you do to support and serve Toastmasters.


Gary Schmidt
International President
Toastmasters International

Friday, August 28, 2009

Link update

The area 93 website has been added & the club website has been updated. GPWELCH 8-28-09

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Distinguished Club Program

I am posting an email Kara Johnson sent with the DCP scoring. Lets do what we can this year to move up the rankings.

Hello everyone,

I thought I'd send you a quick email letting you know the exact point system for the DCP awards. (For those of you that were not there this evening, I described the DCP - off the top of my head - so I wanted to send a clarification.) Our club earned the DCP award for 2008-2009.

5-6 points - Distinguished

7-8 points - Select Distinguished

9-10 points - Presidents Distinguished

Membership Criteria for DCP: (Base + 5) or >= 20

Points that can be earned: (I put a * next to the points we earned - I did get mixed up a bit tonight)

1. Two CCs (Acronyms are below)

2. Two more CCs

3. One ACB, ACS, or ACG

4. One more ACB, ACS, or ACG

5. One CL, ALB, ALS or DTM *

6. One more CL, ALB, ALS or DTM

7. Four new members *

8. Four more new members *

9. Minimum of four officers trained during each of two training periods *

10. One membership dues renewal report and one club officer list submitted on time. *

CC - Competent Communicator

ACB - Advanced Communicator Bronze

ACS - Advanced Communicator Silver

ACG - Advanced Communicator Gold

CL - Competent Leader

ALB - Advanced Leader Bronze

ALS - Advanced Leader Silver

DTM - Distinguished Toastmaster

Note - we don't have to stop at four CCs or at any of the others. In fact, for CCs, the area earns points based on the number of CCs earned per area. The same is true of the district.

Anyway, this is just a bit of knowledge for you. Let me know of anything else you'd like to cover. One thing we will want to do is evaluation training. Now that several of you have done several speeches, we should get you ready to do some evaluations. Doing evaluations help advance your listening and critical thinking skills, plus more!

Have a great rest of your week!


Upcoming TELI July 18th

Hey everyone,

Toastmaster Education & Leadership Program will be on July 18th. Officers you will be able to get your training done! There will be three additional training sessions before the Luncheon Program at 1200.

For additional information go to the District 6 Toastmasters site.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 8th Meeting Notes

We had a good turn out, with 10 members in attendance this week.

The word of the week is "Bon Mot." It is French for good word. For every one's reference, Word Master and Grammarian are two separate duties at Speakeasy. Larry and Gordon settled that.

Eric Fager served as Toastmaster.

Jim MacDonald used Bartlett's Familiar Quotations as the basis for a challenging round of Table Topics.

Melony Fender gave an impromptu speech about the Sci-Fi convention she attended, over the holiday weekend. Convergence is Imminent. It is established sonic screw drivers should be used, and not kept in there original packing for the 2109 antiques road show.

Kara Johnson talked to us about the Distinguished Club Plan. Hopefully this information will motivate us to score as many points as we can.

Best Joke was provided by Jim MacDonald.
Best Table Topic was given by Melanie Fender
Best Speaker was Kara Johnson
Best Evaluator was Gene Welch.

There where no guests this week to give us feedback on the meeting. The member discussion was about the length of the meeting. Our meetings are scheduled from 6:00 to 8:00, and we have the room from 5:30 to 8:30. Kara suggested we could exempt the Toastmaster and
scheduled speakers from participating in Table Topics.

Friday, July 3, 2009

July 1st Meeting Notes

This meeting marked the start of a new year for Speakeasy. This years club officers are now officially in office. Our officers are:

President Gene Welch
VP Education Kara Johnson
VP Membership Sharon Gifford
VP Public Relations Eric Fager
Treasurer Dorth Woodard
Sergeant at Arms Jim MacDonald

Good luck to everyone and may this be another succesful year.