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Sunday, November 29, 2009


By G. K. Andersen

It seems longer than two weeks, but that's all it was. Those old bugaboos -- shaking knees, churning stomach, chattering teeth -- are on the verge of returning, so I'd better get a good dose of TM soon.

I guess it's never too soon to consider attending a ball game in July, so I'm passing along the attached advance information that may be of interest to you. If you think you might be interested, talk to Gene; he'll be collecting names. It'll be a chance to get a look at the new Twins ballpark.

We had 5 guests at our Open House, and plenty of pumpkin pie for everyone. Unfortunately, I was busy closing things up and didn't get a chance to get our guests' e-mail addresses, so if any of them were your invitees, get their addresses to me and I'll add them to my list. (Also, I was in a hurry to get my car over to the service station before 8:00 to deliver the keys. I made it, with 5 minutes to spare.)

Now for a look at this week's cast of characters:

Toastmaster -- Kara Johnson
Master Evaluator -- Eric Fager
Table Topics Master -- Tony Carlson
Speaker -- Gordon Andersen
Speaker -- Larry Green
Evaluator -- Gene Welch
Evaluator -- Dorothy Woodard
Timer -- Sharon Gifford
Grammarian -- Melony Fender
Ah Counter -- John Weidner

Ten positions, ten Toastmasters. Looks like a perfect evening that could be better with a guest or two, or three.

Monday, November 16, 2009


By G. K. Andersen

We're hoping for a houseful this week, to join us for our Open House meeting. If we all contacted everyone likely to attend, there should be many. So far, we've not had any member indicating inability to attend, so that's encouraging.

Since we're expecting folks who perhaps may not be familiar with the Toastmasters program, it would be helpful if speeches and Table Topics could be oriented toward TM. Easy to do with TT, but a bit harder for speeches, which are, of course, the speakers' choices. Just a suggestion. There will also be time for comments from all members at the end of the meeting as usual.

Note: Next week we will be off, doing what we need to do before Thanksgiving dinner, wherever and whatever that may be. I always try to be judicious concerning my culinary intake, but I always fail. Turkey and the fixings always have a hypnotic effect on me. Luckily, I have plenty of time to recover.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Word of the Week for November 11th.

ONOMATOPOEIA, on'-o-mat'-o-pe'-ia, use of words that sound like their meaning: i.e: Hiss... Buzz... Thump...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Word of the Week for November 4th.

Neophyte, ne'-o-fite, Beginner, Tyro, as a novice Toastmaster speaker.

Second word of the week. TYRO, a beginner in learning